English-Georgian and Georgian-English explanatory online dictionary of chemistry terminology
chemistry terminology; Georgian terminology; explanatory online dictionaryAbstract
The new English-Georgian and Georgian-English chemistry explanatory dictionary has
been created on the base of IUPAC recommendations and published online. This is the
first attempt to follow one of the priorities of the Georgian language state program –
harmonization and standardization of modern field terminology.
The structure of the dictionary follows the same principle of word-article construction
as the English dictionary, and includes a lexical unit, a subfield of chemistry or a related
discipline, a definition/article of a term, a section “see also” and a list of references.
During online dictionary development have been carried out editing of existing terms
and synchronization with international terms, correcting the terms according to the
established norms of transliteration-transcription of the English phonetic system,
introduction and establishment of new terms, overcoming parallelism and synonymy in
terminology, etc. The dictionary reflects more than 5000 terms with their definitions
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