Learner Corpora and Their Potential for Multilingual Teaching


  • Zakharia Pourtskhvanidze Goethe University Frankfurt/M

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Learner Corpus, Multilingual Teaching.


This article primarily deals with building and using a type of language corpus - the learner corpus - for multilingual teaching. It describes all relevant aspects of the con- ceptualization, motivation and construction of learner corpora including the case ex- ample of the German learner corpus FALKO (Fehlerannotiertes Lernerkorpus ‘error annotated learner corpus’). In addition we discuss the possibility of a learner corpus for the Georgian language using examples from real Georgian language courses at Goethe University Frankfurt and Tbilisi State University. The article stresses the po- tential of learner corpora for multilingual teaching and multilingual teacher education.



როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Pourtskhvanidze, Z. (2023). Learner Corpora and Their Potential for Multilingual Teaching. საერთაშორისო ჟურნალი მულტილინგვური განათლებისთვის, (3), 78–89. Retrieved from https://multilingualeducation.openjournals.ge/index.php/ijml/article/view/6683


