Linguopolitological Analysis of Thematical Speeches by Georgian Politicians (Ukraine Thema in Georgian Politician discourse)


  • Tatia Tsetskhladze Batumi Shota Rustavely State University

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

political linguistics; linguopolitological analysis, gender


The development of modern technologies has led to improved scientific activities. A complex use of the traditional and innovative methods of research offers broad opportunities for the analysis of topical issues from diverse viewpoints. The paper is an attempt of linguopolitological analysis of topical issues like political communication in general and the speeches of Georgian politicians in particular. Modern technologies offer the opportunity to observe the linguistic behavior of politicians. Hence, different aspects of political speech have fallen within the focus of scholars. The gender issue is among these aspects because it is extremely important to carry out the research of the dynamics of activities of female politicians and identify the linguistic peculiarities of speeches of female politicians as compared to those of male ones.

The necessity for gender research of oral Georgian political speech is due to several factors. It should be mentioned that in the past two decades the number of female members of Parliament has increased significantly in Georgia. The regulations of the 10th Parliamentary elections of Georgia in 2021 underline that 1 out of every 4 candidates in the party lists should be female.2 Active involvement of female politicians has changed the political culture and improved the environment that used to be affected by gender stereotypes.

The aim of the paper is to implement gender research of oral Georgian political speech using a new method – linguopolitological analysis. On the one hand, this will enable complex research of the language means used in political speeches. On the other hand, the research will identify the relationship between political speeches and political processes.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Tsetskhladze, T. (2025). Linguopolitological Analysis of Thematical Speeches by Georgian Politicians (Ukraine Thema in Georgian Politician discourse). საერთაშორისო ჟურნალი მულტილინგვური განათლებისთვის, (25), 48–63. Retrieved from


