Social Stereotype in Philip Larkin’s Poetry: A Multicultural Aspect
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Concept, Stereotypes, National character, Multicultural aspects, Conceptual worldviewანოტაცია
The article deals with the study of language representation of stereotyped images, which are
essential elements of any national and cultural community and participate in forming cultural
norms. The term stereotype images is considered not only cognitive and linguistic-cultural
phenomena but also psychological, sociological and ethnopsycholinguistic ones. It studies the
significance in the area of stereotypes within the English-language discourse and determines the
peculiarities of the representation of stereotyped images in the lyrics of the poet of the 20th century
P. Larkin compared to the area of stereotypes within the German-language discourse based on the
peculiarities of the stereotypes representation in the poetry of E. M. Remarque as representative of
different cultures, comparing and contrasting the cultural stereotype of the same period, using a
multicultural approach. The research results can be used in further scientific analysis of stereotypes,
methods of identifying and researching stereotypes of poetic language, in the lexicographic
description of clichés and stereotypes of mass texts of English and German cultures in multicultural
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