The State policy of Languagesinthe Republicof Kazakhstan
multilingual education, trilingualism, trinity of languages, state policy.Abstract
The State policy of the three of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan suggests speaking threelanguages: Kazakh as a state language, Russian as a language of international communication andEnglish as a language of successful integration into global economics. With more than 130nationalities living in Kazakhstan, most of the population is bilingual (Kazakh and Russian).People’s studying of English is motivated by the government programmes on the development atall stages of education. Introduction of trilingualism at the Universities provides opening Englishdepartments, systematic work on publishing and translation of University text-books into Englishand studying languages based on international standards.
All teachers whoparticipated in the survey chose Kazakh as their mother tongue and 87.50% ofthem are bilingual. The survey results show that 75% of respondents consider themselvestrilingual, whereas 25% of them are not sure whether their knowledge of one language matchesthe level of the others. According to the teachers, the most difficult matter in teaching subjects inEnglish for them is using correct grammar and verb forms in their speech (50%); choosingappropriate methods of teaching (12.5%); finding and selectingnecessary study materials (12.5%)and listening and speaking (12.5%). At the same time 12.5% of respondents have no difficultiesat all in the process of teaching in English. The best way of improving English, as the teachersthink, is reading books in English (37.5%). 25% of teachers suggest practicing English with anative speaker or improving the language skills abroad.
86.36% of students are bilingual and 65.91% of them are trilingual. All students (100%) respondedthat they like studying in English and72.73% of them are satisfied with the process and level ofteaching in English. 25% students see benefits in gaining and enhancing knowledge with the helpof English, which helps them better communicate with foreign people (20.5%). 13.6% of studentsreported that studying in English is interesting, helpful and just a great experience being a widesource of information and first access to world literature (11.4%). Besides, knowledge of Englishopens an expanding perspective, opportunities for a future profession and makes it possible todevelop into a qualified specialist (11.4%). 9.1% students surveyed that knowing English they canparticipate in academic exchanges, study medicine in foreign countries and work abroad. Englishis the key to confidence, self-popularization (6.8%) and enhanced mental activity (2.2%). Teachingand studying in English is challenging for the teachers and students of the University yet offeringnew skills and opportunities in their career path.
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