The Subordinate Clause with Simple Object Hypotaxic Constructions in Svan


  • Nato Shavreshiani Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Svan language, Syntax, Sentence, Construction


The paper presents such hypotactic constructions in Svan, where the subordinate clause is a simple object and plays the role of a simple object to any member of the principal clause, explains and clarifies the meaning of the simple object expressed by the pronoun. There is no comprehensive research on this issue in the scientific literature, where the data of all four dialects (Upper Bal, Lower Bal, Lentekhian, Lashkhian) would be considered. In our study, samples of Cholur speech are also presented, which provides a basis for making quite interesting conclusions. Research has shown that in Svan there is a lot of evidence of subordinate clause with simple object complex sentences and no significant difference between dialects is observed. The results of our research are also important in terms of teaching Svan.



How to Cite

Shavreshiani, N. (2021). The Subordinate Clause with Simple Object Hypotaxic Constructions in Svan. International Journal of Multilingual Education, (19), 8–15. Retrieved from


