Some Interesting Internet Resources and Activities for Teaching a Foreign Language (English) Online


  • Khatuna Gelashvili Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


online teaching, the second/foreign language, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), sharing experience, online teaching resources


Is online teaching worse than the one in the classroom? No, it is different and sometimes even better, only teachers should be aware of available resources and techniques in order to use peculiarities of online teaching effectively. We should know when and how to apply them and how to select the most effective ones for specific tasks to achieve the best results in teaching. The aim of this conference presentation is sharing some effective webpages, activities and techniques that work better while teaching online and that have been tested in my online teaching English and Georgian as second languages. The participants will practically get familiarized with some of the resources. More specifically, the presentation will cover the following topics:

  • some websites for presenting new material, practicing it and testing it
  • some websites and the activities or techniques for teaching, revising and activating vocabulary
  • some websites for correct pronunciation
  • some websites for getting students’ feedback

The participants of this presentation will not only theoretically learn the presented resources, teaching activities and techniques, but also they will immediately use the most effective ones for online teaching at the conference session. They will be able to select some new resources of their interest and use them in their teaching practice.



How to Cite

Gelashvili, K. (2023). Some Interesting Internet Resources and Activities for Teaching a Foreign Language (English) Online. International Journal of Multilingual Education, (19), 188–194. Retrieved from


