The Art of Persuasion in a Multicultural world
grammar and vocabulary, cultural approach, multiculturalism.Abstract
Together with grammar and vocabulary, there are many other points that determine Georgian mentality and perception, while teaching Georgian as a foreign language. Language is a representative of the nation and national self-awareness. It is unimaginably hard to differentiate the language, determine the actions and criticize when you are an active and essential part of the same world. It is the same as the air that you breathe but do not feel how polluted it is. Our actions and answers are automatic. That is why each person represents his/her cultural mentality and language reveals it.
The world changes and the process of globalization influences the nations and every representative of the culture. A human being is the face of his/her country and the forms of the language used there. People might migrate to different countries and gain a new lifestyle, this process even more interestingly displays the merging process of the old and new cultures and its possible result. The desire for unity appears when the process of globalization and bordering starts. People`s approaches to the living rules match, when it comes to the emulating and bringing something into the fashion according to the society classes. So, the values are the same, but the cultural views differ.
Every nation has a different cultural approach. The reflection of the uniqueness and characteristics of the nation is exactly in this. If we don`t have a word and we find it in the process of translation, this means that our ancestors didn`t need it, didn`t create it as it wasn`t necessary for them. The Georgian language is always open to development; it accepts the innovations and generation challenges. It`s true that the calques and barbarisms are an accompanying process, but every novelty has its name and the language accepts it or revives it properly to the language.
Generation approaches are taken into consideration when it`s about creating the map of cultural mentality. Each period of twenty years influences the nation’s development, it`s views and approaches. Changes are inevitable processes, traditions are transformed, novelties and emulating are being settled, especially for the representatives of new generation. The mental struggles and battles between the fathers and children continue. Older generations were more distant, shy and respectful to the elders; they even used other lingual capacities. Modern generations prefer to use polylogic forms. Besides this, this is a skillful generation and we have a hope for them to save and develop the language: “Motherland prefers to have a better child than his/her father”.
The difference between the old and new generational approaches is obvious, especially in terms of convincing and leadership. Modern people are more convinced about their future. They start fighting for their goals from their early years, their self-consciousness is high and almost every second young person considers himself/herself as a leader.
The biggest determining factor of the mentality is different for every nation. Geopolitical state also decides the mentality, but the primary qualitative function is multiple. Emotion is the steady basis for Georgian mentality. Emotion is the one that makes Georgian self- consciousness special and marvelous. Emotion is a featuring thing for every Georgian generation. The conception of youth about the convincing and leadership, also, the process of managing the cultural map was very interesting for us. That was why we offered the following survey:
Here are the methods that were used during the survey:
- Research Method - Quantitative research
- Research Technology - Submitted, group questioning
- Target segment – Students
- Sample form - Convenient selection
- Sample size - 100 students – 1st and 2nd courses According to the SPSS, the data were
- Question: First of all in order to convince another person do you consider your principles or do
you use these guidelines?
People in their early twenties consider principles as primary: 81% principles as main; 19% - based on the instructions.
- Question: Which type of leader do you prefer: equal or the one following hierarchical principles?
Opinions are divided into two parts when it came to the subject of leadership and managing: 50% equal, 50% hierarchic.
The creation of the Georgian cultural map has a long route to cover. It is a new stage after several attempts. It is obvious that principles are important and a little bit instructed for Georgians, we might make decisions based on the recommendations. Unfortunately, leadership wasn`t obviously shaped, the percentage was divided into two equal parts, some prefer equality, some prefer hierarchy. Lingual aspects that are used for processing the perception of this function are utterly interesting.
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