Creating a Safe and Stress-free Environment when Using Extracurricular Activities in Second Language Teaching
Extracuricullar activities;The role of the teacher; Student’s contribution; Safe environment.Abstract
Using different methods and strategies in the process of a second language learning isconsidered as the most effective way to achieve maximum results. There is a wide variety ofinformation about extracurricular activities, ways and methods of their implementation inacademic sources. They mainly discuss their types, implementation methods and impact onstudents’ outcomes and success. The presented paper is focused on exploring, on the one hand,the students' attitudes towards extracurricular activities and the ways it is possible to create asafe environment in the process of their use while integrating them into the formal environmentof second language learning. The theoretical framework of the research is based on theapproaches and classifications presented in the academic sources. As part of the research, ouroown approaches have also been developed. The research is based on classroom observation,questionnaire analysis and analysis of academic sources. The paper identifies and classifies theelementsand characteristics that create a safe and stress-free learning environment for learnerswhen using extracurricular activities. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to classify ECAactivities to identify student preferences. The questionnaire is presented in the form of a Googleform. Learners have learned a second language at different stages of their lives and in differentinstitutions. Their current level of language proficiency is also different. To achieve theresearch goal, the paper will answer thefollowing research questions: 1. What types (intensity,form, and content) of extracurricular activities do students find lessstressful? 2. What is therole of teachers in employing extracurricular activities to create a stress-free environment? 3.How can students contribute to creating a stress-free environment by using extracurricularactivities? 4. When is participation in extracurricular activities less stressful? As a result of theconducted research, it was revealed that students feel safe and stress-free when: •Participation in extracurricular activities is not compulsory, but they have a choicewhether to participate in them or not.
• When the extracurricular activity is not reflected in the evaluation and both the teacherand the students understand that it is an aid in the way of language progress. When they have clear instructions about the activity. • When the activity is not organizedonly for strong (or rarely weak)students. When the teacher considers the students' initiatives and adjusts them to her/hispedagogical goals.
When the cultural and social experience of learners is taken into consideration whenorganizingactivities.
The paper presents practical recommendations that will help teachers in planning andconducting activities.
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