Implications on applying the Web 2.0 software to teach a Chinese L2 learner online
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
Distance Chinese learning, digital tools, E-learning, modular teachingანოტაცია
The rise of information and communication technologies has increased people’s access to
educational resources and stormed the process of E-learners in the past decades. Recently, the
COVID-19 pandemic forced more people to stay at home to do things via online. Of course,
education is no exception. While numerous distance Chinese learning tools or websites are
booming, not all these tools or websites are suitable because of E-learners’ variations in Chinese
language proficiency, computer literacy, or the complexity of the tools. Hence, being able to choose effective Chinese E-learning tools for Chinese learners is crucial for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers for Other Languages (TCSOL) as it affects not only learners’ motivation and overall success as well as teachers’ teaching pedagogy and performance. The present study analyzed a
series of user-friendly, free Web2.0 digital tools for distance Chinese learners to study along with a textbook, Practical Audio-Visual Chinese 2, designed and carried out experimental teaching courses for Japanese participants with elementary Chinese proficiency. Lastly, it concluded with ST2D implications for TCSOL based the feedback from users.
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