Russification of Language and Culture in Soviet Georgia (According to the Georgian Émigré Press)


  • Irine , Chachanidze Akaki Tsereteli State Univeristy
  • Tamar Guchua Akaki Tsereteli State University

საკვანძო სიტყვები:

Georgian language, culture, russification


After the Sovietization of Georgia in 1921, the Russification language policy effected culture as well. The process took place in two directions: centripetal and centrifugal. The first case implied linguistic and cultural assimilation, while the second one, on the contrary, — the strive to preserve the native language and culture. After the Sovietization of Georgia, the political elite was forced to emigrate to Europe. They published Georgian-language newspapers in various European cities for years as part of the struggle for independence.

The article aims to collect relevant empirical material based on the digital corpus of the press of the Georgian emigrants of the 20s-30s of the 20th century and to answer the following questions through the method of sociolinguistic analysis:1) How did Georgian-Russian language contacts take place? 2) To what extent was Georgia ready to accept the Russian language in all areas of cultural life? 3) In what directions was the protection of the Georgian language provided?

The period of Soviet occupation was difficult for Georgian culture. Under the colonial-repressive regime, when even the use of the word “Georgia” was prohibited and a deliberate Russification of the Georgian nation was underway, people working in the cultural sector had to deal with the strictest censorship to preserve their national identity.

The results of the research conducted as part of the present paper will give the opportunity to find out under what pressure the Georgian language and culture had to function during Russification.




როგორ უნდა ციტირება

Chachanidze, I. , & Guchua, T. (2024). Russification of Language and Culture in Soviet Georgia (According to the Georgian Émigré Press). საერთაშორისო ჟურნალი მულტილინგვური განათლებისთვის, (25), 91–99. Retrieved from


