Difficulties in learning a second language and ways to overcome in pupils with dyslexia
საკვანძო სიტყვები:
reading, dyslexia, difficulties in learning-teaching a second language, strategiesfor learning a second language.ანოტაცია
Ability to read in an L2 iscomplicated because it involves not only the ability toread but also the knowledge of and the ability to use the second or foreignlanguage”(Rolf&Glenn,2016.). This difficulty is even more acute in our country,since there is no highawareness of dyslexia, and so far reading difficulties can beconsidered as laziness on the part of teachers or parents.Taking everything intoaccount, it can be assumed that students with dyslexia remain in conditions of evenless support in learning a second language-on the one hand, their difficulty is notassessed appropriately, andon the other hand, they are not properly supported inthe learning process.
Reading is a dynamic and complex process.In the process of reading, an adult isaware only of the content of what has been read, and the psychophysiologicaloperations preceding it are carried out unconsciously, by themselves,automatically.(Learner,1997).Reading skills develop with age and experience.At the very beginningwe learn to read, andonly afterwardswe learn by reading.Therefore, reading is of great importance for the development of a person, and thelack of this skill automatically causes difficulties on the path of personal success.Delay, impairment in reading are synonymous and, according to ICD-10(International Classification of Diseases)-F81.0 are identified as a specific readingdisorder (dyslexia). (Gagoshidze,2007)
Dyslexia, regardless of the language we learn to read, is characterizedbydifficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognitionand by poor spellingand decoding abilities. Secondary consequences may include problems in readingcomprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth ofvocabulary and background knowledge(IDA,2002). Research shows that thesedifficulties vary by age, language characteristics, and learning strategies, but theystill apply to second language learning. Moreover, it creates even greater difficulties.
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